A Time for You: A virtual space for ONA Church Clergy

April 16, 2024 @ 12:00PM — 1:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

 A Time for You: A virtual space for ONA Church Clergy image

Build community and gain support from other ONA Pastors!

Looking for a safe and supportive space to connect with fellow Open and Affirming (ONA) church pastors?

This virtual support space is for you, regardless of your own sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

What to expect:

  • Informal and confidential setting: Share your experiences, challenges, and joys in leading an ONA church with a group of understanding colleagues.
  • Facilitated by an expert: Rabbi Dr. Edith Meyerson, a renowned spiritual care provider and facilitator, will guide the conversation and offer support as needed.
  • Your level of participation: Feel free to share as much or as little as you're comfortable with.

Who should join:

  • All pastors leading Open and Affirming churches

About Rabbi Dr. Edith Meyerson:

Dr. Meyerson is a highly respected leader in the field of spiritual care. With extensive experience in facilitating groups and providing support to professionals, she will create a safe and welcoming environment for our discussions.

Join us!

This is a great opportunity to connect with other pastors who share your commitment to inclusivity, gain insights, and receive/offer support in a nurturing space.

Please note: Registration is required and the session is confidential.

Support us with a donation.